Jordan Lopez Will Fight for the Issues That Matter


Economic Opportunity For All

  • Advocating for expanding the Child Tax Credit to support working families across East Charlotte.
  • Supporting public-private partnerships to create accelerator programs for our small business community.
  • Work with my colleagues to establish paid family leave, parental leave, and sick days; all of which are protections needed to ensure our working families are supported if, and ultimately when, life happens.

Investing in Public Education

  • Ensure that starting teacher pay is tied to inflation (the same way political contributions are) to ensure our public educators are not just getting by, but can actually get ahead.
  • Advocate for restoring Master’s Pay for teachers. These professionals invest in themselves to be better educators for our students, it’s time we invest back into them.
  • Support funding that creates or expands programs designed to help improve student learning outcomes. From afterschool programming to in-class assistance, our students are worth the investment.

Infrastructure for Everyone

  • Advocating for opportunities to fund small scale mobility projects (like addressing sidewalk gaps, bike lanes, traffic studies) in East Charlotte and underserved communities across the state.
  • Continue to work with City and State leaders to ensure Charlotte can carry out its 2030 Transit Plan.

Protecting our Democracy

  • Advocate for the creation of Independent Redistricting Commissions to eliminate the extreme political bias, regardless of party control, from the map drawing process.
  • Advocate for people to have complete control over their reproductive health in the face of the NCGOP insistence of controlling women’s bodies.
  • Advocate for a return to nonpartisan judicial elections where the letter beside a candidate’s name is much less important than their legal qualifications and judicial records.

Investing in our Children and Families

  • Advocating for the reenactment of North Carolina’s child care tax credit to support working families across East Charlotte.
  • Supporting investment in childcare access and affordability- both of which serve as obstacles for many families across our city in gaining full employment or affordable care for their children.